Platform tips
Top tips to write a great Babysits profile
Looking for babysitting work? If you're looking for babysitting work, you need a great profile to increase your chances of being hired by families. Read top tips on how to improve your babysitting profile here!
5 Ways the Babysits App is Perfect for Traveling Families
Finding childcare can be daunting, especially in a foreign country. Do you want to ensure you alw...
Nanny/Babysitting Contracts: Sample Template
Do you need an employment contract for your nanny or babysitter? Use Babysits’ free template and...
How to write a good review for your babysitter
Choosing someone to look after your children isn’t something that should be taken lightly, it is...
A guide to hiring the right nanny for your family
Choosing the right nanny for your family can seem like a difficult task. However, it's easier tha...
Book a babysitter via Babysits
Do you want to book and pay a babysitter online or plan an introductory meeting? Now you can do i...
What is the average babysitting rate in Singapore? - 2024 edition
How much do you pay a babysitter in Singapore in 2024 and how much can you ask for babysitting pe...
What are Babysits Badges?
When looking for a babysitter or a babysitting job, one of the first things you should think abou...
The Babysits App
Next to our Babysits platform you can also use our Babysits App. If you prefer to book your babys...
Current Babysits policy regarding Coronavirus
Aug 11, 2020 - Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, many parents are struggling with childcare. Not o...